Otocare - Scene 1:Soft Haze

Limited Edition Cassette
Field Recording - Nick Luscombe & James Greer (MSCTY)
Music composed and produced by - Ski Oakenfull
Production Guide - Hikari Sandhu (Memu Earth Lab)
Mix composition and production by - Nick Luscombe
Landscape Photography - Ryozo Morishita
This album features a blend of environmental sounds recorded in and around Memu. Hokkaido by Nick Luscombe and James Greer. Electronic music producer Ski Oakenfull created the musical pieces in response to the field recordings.
このカセットテープは、北海道、芽武周辺でNick LuscombeとJames Greer が集めたフィールドレコーディングにより構成されています。これらの環境音に応答する楽曲を、アンビエント・電子音楽プロデューサーのSki Oakenfullが作りました。
Otocare’s mission is to foster a deep sense of wellbeing through the use of sound.
Otocare was founded by Yu Morishita and Hikari Sandhu from the University of Tokyo and Nick Luscombe from MSCTY, to research the use of sound recordings to improve the wellbeing of staff and patients in high-stress medical environments.
The project has since expanded into other areas of study and application